to Doc Sharing. Your peers will review the presentation of a comparative health reform system

Post 1- Transcultural nursing theory is also called the culture care theory. With this in mind, explain how you plan to incorporate the culture care theory in your Unit 7 presentation Assignment that is due on Friday, Day 3 of class, and how the theory relates to your proposed policy change in your policy change proposal. post 2 Create two questions that allow your peers and instructor to understand your PowerPoint presentation that was posted to Doc Sharing. Your peers will review the presentation of a comparative health reform system analysis and respond to your questions with another question using the Socratic teaching strategy. The questions and responses are designed to foster debate. MN507: Unit 7 Assignment Comparing International Healthcare Delivery Systems Description Each student will prepare a PowerPoint presentation, including detailed speaker notes in APA format, examining an international health system compared to the reformed U.S. health system. Directions: Students will prepare the presentation using PowerPoint that will provide:  structure  description of the health system type, cost analysis, and funding stream compared to the reformed U.S. system  or failure driven by politics in each country  analysis of costs compared to the U.S. health system The presentation will be professional and include:  matching references on the reference slide no older then 2010  references on the reference slide     Each student will post the presentation to Doc Sharing for review by peers and to the Dropbox