The gut microbiome benefits the host in many ways. One benefit of the gut microbiome is that it helps to prevent infection by pathogenic microbes. To directly compete with and inhibit the growth of pathogenic microbes, members of the gut microbiome do which of the following? : A.synthesize vitamins B.occupy attachment receptors C.degrade complex carbohydrates D.degrade mucin E.secrete substances that inhibit

The gut microbiome benefits the host in many ways. One benefit of the gut microbiome is that it helps to prevent infection by pathogenic microbes. To directly compete with and inhibit the growth of pathogenic microbes, members of the gut microbiome do which of the following? : A.synthesize vitamins B.occupy attachment receptors C.degrade complex carbohydrates D.degrade mucin E.secrete substances that inhibit the growth of pathogens F.compete for nutrients G.compete for mates A,C,E was not the answer