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Respond to each prompt then respond to a peer. Each response should be 200 words followed by a 200 word response to a peer. APA formant. Use at least 1 reference for each response. The last two are just peer responses. Click on the Period 4: Dialogue link above, find your group, and write two posts to the following topic: 4A – The assigned reading for this period is eclectic covering labor relations, discipline, and safety. For this period’s forum post to the group an initial message that presents the reasons, in your supported opinion, why businesses ended up with labor relations and union problems and safety concerns. This is not meant to ‘just’ point the finger at business but look back over the course of history and ask yourself what led to the problems. Then think about how a Biblical worldview might have changed, or not changed, the attitudes and principles at work and would the business workplace be different today if we developed the business understanding on scripture. Post one reply to one other student either adding to his/her thoughts or politely challenging his/her thoughts by Sunday of the first week. Please use academic references and APA formatting. Labor relations is defined as “the continuous relationship between a defined group of employees and management (Ivancevich & Konopaske, 2013). Its purpose is to ensure that management is considering fair compensation and good working conditions for their employees. The importance of unions grew during the Civil War due to the increase in industrial expansion. It resulted in “huge industrial monopolies” (Ivancevich & Konopaske, 2013). During this time, “employment conditions included long work hours, unsafe working conditions, low wages, and high employment” (Ivancevich & Konopaske, 2013). The formation of unions was highly opposed by employers when the idea was first proposed. However, over time, unions were successfully created to help address employee issues. Before the creation of unions, employees were able to dictate employee wages and were able to reduce wages if they desired. The first unions were organized to defend “trades against diluted and cheap labor and, increasingly, demanding a shorter workday in the face of the Industrial Revolution” (story.com Editors, 2009). Unions were not only established to enhance work life and employee’s compensation. Its early purpose was to promote social equality which was derived from the “ideals of the American Revolution” (story.com Editors, 2009). Reference: Ivancevich, J. M., & Konopaske, R. (2013). . McGraw-ll Irwin. story.com Editors. (2009, October 29). . story.com. https://www.history.com/topics/19th-century/labor. According to Ryba (2019), “Studies estimate that stress costs U.S. businesses an estimated , and the workplace has been identified as the .” Unfortunately, job related stress can lead to many harmful diseases such as coronary heart disease, hypertension and depression. This is due to stress directly affecting people’s endocrine system, cardiovascular system, muscular system and emotions (Ivancevich & Konopaske, 2012, p. 542). Ryba (2019) mentions that one way to reduce stress in the workplace is to work to cultivate and encourage wellness within the company. This could include bringing in a yoga teacher for employees to take a class together or offering healthier snacks to employees. At my company, a lot of us go on walks around the building during our fifteen minute breaks. It is refreshing and helps me reset to go back into work feeling more renewed. Some other ideas that HRM managers can implement to help minimize employee stress level are providing onsite counseling, providing recognition to employees when they are doing a good job and creating quiet time as a nice break (Ryba, 2019). The civil rights act of 1991 went into law on November 21st that year. The civil rights acts of 1991 amended the previous civil rights act of 1964 in a few different ways. First, it expanded discrimination to include color, sex, race, religion, or creed. Second, it expanded the rights and injury compensation for employees to sue an employer London, 1991). One last example would be that it made it much harder for employers to fight against disparate impact discrimination in court (Alito, 1991). These amendments added more strength to the legislation already in place and expanded protections and civil rights for employees. Now for example, an employee who is suing for punitive and compensatory damages is entitled to a jury trial rather than a judge’s decision. (Alito, 1992). This was a big change as juries are seen as more sympathetic to employee cases of injury or discrimination than judges are. The civil rights act of 1991 was not retroactive and so cases at that time were not able to be covered under these new amendments which proved to be a difficult situation for civil rights activists to navigate as was ruled by the supreme court (London, 1991). References: Alito, R. (1992). Disparate Impact Discrimination Under the 1991 Civil Rights Act. Rutgers L. Rev., 45, 1011. Loudon, T. D. (1992). The Civil Rights Act of 1991: What Does It Mean and What Is Its Likely Impact. Neb. L. Rev., 71, 304. I currently work at Pizza Inn. Pizza Inn is an American restaurant chain and an international food franchise (About Us, 2018). During the height of the pandemic, the pizza industry thrived (Albert, 2021). While other restaurants and food chains saw a 19 percent decrease in business, the pizza industry only saw a .2 percent decrease in their business (Albert, 2021). The pizza industry has done well because pizza is seen as a comfort food (Coley, 2020). Pizza places have also done well because most deliver, have takeout, or can pick up quickly. With the pandemic, these options made going to a pizza restaurant became even more desirable (Coley, 2020). With restrictions lifting slightly with Covid-19, pizza places are somewhat losing business, and as the restrictions are lifted, more and more business will more than likely decrease as people will want to eat elsewhere (Albert, 2021). Over the next 10-15 years, pizza will still be a popular food item. To increase business, restaurants are coming out with online ordering and staying on top of trends to remain relevant (Albert, 2021). Staying on top of popular trends and offering things such as Doordash or Uber Eats is an excellent way to ensure that pizza stays relevant. As long as pizza is around, customers will always be willing to purchase this fantastic comfort food.