risk should be plotted in a Risk Matrix. One axis should be probability, while the

Your consulting organization has been hired to develop computer systems for the United Nations in the Middle East. a Risk Information Sheet for at least five potential risks that should be considered.  At least three of the risks you choose should be business continuity and IT disaster recovery related.  As part of this, consider man-made and natural risks that might apply to this particular situation. Please the following: The results of your assessment for each risk should be plotted in a Risk Matrix.  One axis should be probability, while the other axis should be impact. The overall risk level will be the intersection of these two factors on the matrix. The risk assessment matrix can be completed in your choice of Word, Excel , or PowerPoint . The following is an example of a risk matrix with certain accidents allocated to appropriate cells within the matrix: the risk information sheets and risk matrix to the Assignment Files tab. Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it