other musical styles addressed in our class. Acceptable musical styles include all “classical” performances, opera

Students are required to view on Youtube (or other video platform) one full musical concert and write a three-to five page response to the performance using the information and terminology you have learned in our class. This assignment should be typed in formal English and submitted through Blackboard.  It is due on or before midnight on Friday, April 30th (the last day of remote class).   Your chosen concert should pertain to western art music or other musical styles addressed in our class. Acceptable musical styles include all “classical” performances, opera performances, musical theater performances, jazz concerts, and concerts of non-western music (such as the music of Brazil, India, Africa, etc.). Please consider utilizing the following analytical strategies in your paper. Discuss the items that are most important and relevant to your musical experience as you consider each work on the program (please feel free to include other observations as well): • Please analyze the pieces using the five foundational questions from our textbook that guide our musical discussions: What is it? How does it work? What does it mean? What is its history? Where do we go from here? • What did you like and/or dislike about the performance? Why?  Please be honest and straight-forward, but justify your position. • Discuss the most prominent musical features of the particular compositions. Please consider information learned in the introduction of your textbook and apply these musical concepts (melody, harmony, rhythm, texture, form, style, etc.). • Discuss the instrumentation of specific works and how it was exploited for aesthetic effect. • Discuss the musical features of the compositions as they relate to the historical period of the work. • Discuss the importance of knowing the program in a programmatic work. • Discuss the role of the conductor (if there is one) and how he/she led the ensemble. • Discuss your level of interest and how it increased or decreased during the performance. Relate any observations you may have about the concert atmosphere, audience members and concert etiquette issues. Please do not be overly concerned about the accuracy of your statements, as I would rather have you make an inaccurate aural assessment rather than avoid these issues entirely. I want you to test your ear and challenge yourself to listen more actively. This activity requires practice