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Copy the following questions on a Word document and answer each as instructed. Web Site Goal Describe the goal of your website in one or two sentences. What results do I want to see? List the working title of each page on your website. You will have six to ten working titles listed. What information do I need? List where you will obtain the content (facts, text, graphics, sounds, video) for the web pages you listed above. How will your project use a form? Describe how you plan to use a form in your project to collect information — examples of using a form might be to offer feedback, provide a survey or poll, offer subscriptions to a newsletter, etc. Using a word processor, PowerPoint, or other tools, draw a flowchart (storyboard) of your website that shows the hierarchy of pages and relationships between the pages. : Use a computer application of your choice (Publisher or word are suggested) to create a wireframe for one sample page on your web site that clearly shows the layout of your page including the logo, navigation, content, and footer areas. See for information on wireframe: https://webdesign.tutsplus.com/articles/a-beginners-guide-to-wireframing–webdesign-7399