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Select two of the four essay items below and prepare an essay response for each. Select any two essay items from the list below. 1. Explain the Just War Theory and discuss the Jus Ad Bellum part of the theory. Is this theory based on consequentialist or nonconsequentialist moral reasoning? Explain why. 2. How does the concept of sentience impact moral reasoning about the rights of animals? In your response, define sentience and give at least three examples of how this compact impacts ethical decisions about animals. 3. What is the difference between involuntary and voluntary euthanasia? Give at least one example of each type that illustrates your response. Explain the difference between active and passive euthanasia, and provide examples for each. Which type of euthanasia was John Kevorkian convicted for murder—involuntary active, involuntary passive, voluntary active, or voluntary passive? 4. What are the ethical reasons underpinning affirmative action? Compare the consequentialist/utilitarian considerations of affirmative action with the nonconsequentialist/Kantian considerations. Each of the two essay item responses should be documented by citing at least one or more credible sources such as the textbook, a newspaper, a biographic article, book, or website. Wikipedia and any similar online reference sites where the content may be authored by anyone are not considered credible sources for scholarly writing. Your essay should be 300–400 words in length, single spaced, and in APA format. Submit your essay in a Microsoft Word.