Keep in mind that even when one theory seems to fit a situation well, other

Topic Domestic Violence In the previous module, you gathered information from a variety of sources to understand how a particular issue impacts a specific group of people. Review the psychology theories in this module and utilize to describe some of the challenges this group of people experiences. If you cannot find a way to explore theory from each domain, then please use three total theories aiming to understand the situation from a variety of perspectives. Keep in mind that even when one theory seems to fit a situation well, other theories can still shed light on these complicated situations. Use at least one peer-reviewed journal article to support each theory. Submit to the Assignment Dropbox “Module 2 Assignment: Part II Final Project”, by the due date listed on the syllabus. Writing Standards: In this course, all of your written assignments are expected to use APA Formatting and citation.  The following APA Style guide provides you with explanations, models, and resources for APA style formatting and citation. .