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Discussion #1.Some researchers suggest that there are two prevailing views of consciousness and its relationship to short-term memory. First, there is the view that consciousness—our awareness of the world around us—is beyond or nearly beyond human understanding and is a metaphysical problem best left to the philosophers. Then there are those, including many psychologists and neuroscientists, who believe there is some relationship between consciousness and short-term memory, even if we have yet to fully understand it. In this discussion you will analyze current ideas on consciousness and short-term memory. Choose one of the prevailing views discussed above and find a journal article or Internet resource that supports your chosen view. In your initial post: 1. Describe at least one of the main arguments. 2. Explain the evidence used by the authors to support their argument. 3. Identify the author’s conclusions and the implications of the findings. 4. Based on your perspective and what you have learned, explain your own position about the connection between consciousness and memory. Please include the following in your response: · Refer to and integrate ideas presented in the text and any supplemental readings. · Cite outside resources if necessary to make your point. · Follow APA style guidelines for citations and references. DISCUSSION #2.Your textbook authors introduce the idea of emotional intelligence and its four components, to: 1) perceive emotions, 2) access and generate emotions to assist thought, 3) understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and 4) reflectively regulate emotion to promote emotional and intellectual growth (Baumeister & Bushman, 2014). Search for information on emotional intelligence in the Capella library or on Google Scholar. (Avoid using popular media sources such as Wikipedia.) Describe your understanding of emotional intelligence, and support your thinking with information from your resource(s). How does emotional intelligence or its components relate to some of the other concepts you have learned from your unit readings over the past four weeks, such as self-regulation, self-esteem, et cetera? What strategies can people use to intentionally develop their emotional Discussion #3.It is sometimes difficult to conceptualize how the different motivational theories are distinct (drive theory, incentive theory, arousal theory, and brain state theory). Neuroscientists use a wide range of approaches to define the nature of consciousness while philosophers have been debating the nature of consciousness for millennia. This exercise will help you approach issues from each of the theoretical approaches introduced in this unit. For this discussion: · Identify two common behaviors and hypothesize what might have prompted the behaviors from the perspective of each motivational theory (drive theory, incentive theory, arousal theory, and brain state theory). · Discuss how others (advertisers, parents, managers, and so on) apply these different theories to influence your behavior.