is to analyze the rhetorical situation for the Profile essay. You will establish your topic,

Next week, you will submit a 2- to 3-page Profile essay written to your local community on a local person, place, or event. Your profile essay should take a specific angle that represents a significant issue, important contribution, or surprising quality of your chosen subject. This essay will ask you to rely on skills of close observation, detail, and description to leave readers with a dominant impression of your subject. This week, however, your task is to analyze the rhetorical situation for the Profile essay. You will establish your topic, create a clear angle, define your audience, and reflect upon your personal relationship to the subject. This assignment not only asks you to begin the writing process, but it also helps you think through the components of the rhetorical situation. Please find the Week 1 Profile Process Planning Sheet in Doc Sharing and complete it for this week’s assignment. Be sure to achieve the following: