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| Week 5 – Deliverable #2 In Week 5, you are to further mature your technology solution proposal reviewed in your first deliverable during week 3. Please ensure you have integrated previous instructor comments as appropriate as well. The following deliverables are due as part of the Week 5 submittal, and you have latitude to use a format that conveys professionalism and comprehensiveness. There are no page requirements for this assignment, but student work should include the items discussed below. Note: To earn an ” – Please complete independent research and expand the topic to clearly demonstrate Mastery of the Subject – Through the Lens of Management. You should utilize a Table of Contents, headings, citations, etc. as appropriate. You are purposefully being given some latitude here to solve this problem just as you would in a real world setting. View RubricProject #2 15 ptsExcellent9 ptsGood6 ptsFair0 ptsUnsatisfactory/ 15 pts 10 ptsExcellent6 ptsGood4 ptsFair0 ptsUnsatisfactory/ 10 pts 30 ptsExcellent18 ptsGood12 ptsFair0 ptsUnsatisfactory/ 30 pts 20 ptsExcellent12 ptsGood8 ptsFair0 ptsUnsatisfactory/ 20 pts 20 ptsExcellent12 ptsGood8 ptsFair0 ptsUnsatisfactory/ 20 pts 5 ptsExcellent3 ptsGood2 ptsFair0 ptsUnsatisfactory/ 5 ptsTotal Points: 0 Choose a submission type Submission type Upload, currently selectedUploadMore submission optionsMore Submit file using Webcam PhotoWebcam PhotoSubmit file using Canvas FilesCanvas Files