False 2 points Conversion Regeneration Repentance Rebirth 2 points True False 2 points Mark 9:23

Salvation is only   for God’s chosen people Salvation is for   everyone There is an order   of salvation Salvation is a free   gift 2 points Personal National Global Functional 2 points good news sacrifice propitiation atonement 2 points True False 2 points True False 2 points Conditional   Election Unconditional   Election Predestination Election 2 points Conditional   Election Unconditional   Election Election Predestination 2 points True False 2 points Predestination Foreknowledge Election 2 points True False 2 points True False 2 points Conversion Regeneration Repentance Rebirth 2 points True False 2 points Mark 9:23 Luke 4:18-20 Matthew 28:18-20 John 3:1-10 2 points Repentance and   Faith Grace and Mercy Grace and Faith Christs Death and   Resurrection 2 points True False 2 points Study and   meditation of the Bible Fasting and prayer Service in ministry Confession of sins   to a trusted Christian friend All of the above   are spiritual disciplines 2 points True False 2 points Positional Progressive Future Situational 2 points Baptists and   Pentecostals Christians and   Mormons Protestants and   Catholics Catholics and   Seventh Day Adventists 2 points True False 2 points True False 2 points True False 2 points True False 2 points True False