Does the BWC sufficiently address these steps? Support your answer in two succinct paragraphs. 2.

Part A: Below this assignment, find and read Chapter 4 and Appendix F from Daniel Gerstein’s and complete the following exercise concerning game theory. Find the game theory chart in the attachment and the reading to the attachment. Part B: 1. There are five major steps that Daniel Gerstein deemed necessary to develop a biological weapon. List the 5 steps. Of these 5 steps, which steps do we have the ability to affect the most? Does the BWC sufficiently address these steps? Support your answer in two succinct paragraphs. 2. While history implies that the actual use of biological weapons by terrorists is limited, strategy remains important. It is nearly impossible to be prepared for all agents that would be effective as a biological weapon.  If you were a strategist and had to choose agent to focus on based upon its ability to be acquired, what would it be and why?  How would you weaponize it?  Please provide one clearly written paragraph of your biological weapon of choice. APA format, in-text citation, reference include. Part A: fill in the chart attach to this post Part B: 1 1/2 page