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PLEASE READ THE ASSIGNMENT CAREFULLY AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS YOU NEED 3 DIFFERENT POST Often, when sorting objects or elements, it helps to look at the similarities and differences between groups. For example, if a parent has two children, the parent may be interested in activities that both children enjoy and can do together as well as activities that each child enjoys doing separately. A Venn diagram can help organize these activities by looking at one distinct circle for each child’s preferred activities, with the area where the circles overlap indicating common activities. This will help parents and other caregivers quickly reference which activities the children have in common and which they do not. A Venn diagram provides a visual representation of two or more sets. For this Discussion, you will focus on two sets using a two-circle Venn diagram. Review an of a response for this Discussion. Choose one of your classmate’s posts and: Review an of a response for this Discussion. OR In this unit’s Discussion, you will interact with your classmates on the course content. Remember, your goal for Discussion Assignments is to ensure that: Keep in mind that when you post, you should include references to the textbook and any material found online. The class is all about sharing knowledge, so use Discussions as a way of creating a community resource for yourself and your classmates. RESPONSE POST 1 Patrick:Patrick Hogan posted Jun 15, 2018 1:14 PM SubscribeThis page automatically marks posts as read as you scroll.Adjust automatic marking as read setting RESPONSE POST2 PATRICK: The original post was: Barbara Blevins {b, a, r, l, e, v, i, n, s} {m, a, t, h} {r, l, e, v, i, n, s} {b, a} {m, t, h} While sets N and M are correct region II is incorrect. It should contain just the element of a since element b is not shared by set N and M. The corrected version should look like: {b, a, r, l, e, v, i, n, s} RESPONSE POST 3 PATRICK:A senario where a Venn Diagram could be useful would be determining where my girlfriend and I should eat for dinner. If I list all the places I want to eat that would create a set full of elements or restaurants (Set P) that I want. If she does the same that creates her set (Set A) and elements. Then we would just have to find the intersecting restaurants (P∩A) to determine the ideal restaurant to eat at. This is all ideal though as anyone with a girlfriend knows in the end we are going wherever she wants anyways! RESPONSES2 BETHANY_N={b,e,t,h,a,n,y,o,d,g,s} M={m,a,t,h} Region I={b,e,n,y,o,d,g,s} Region II={a,t,h} Region III={m} Sets N & M are over lapping sets because both sets must have elements in common to be overlapping sets (Angel, Runde, Abbott, 2013, pg 57). 1. Allen R. Angel, Christine D. Abbott, Dennis C. Runde, (2013), , Pearson. REPONSES 2 POST2 BETHANY:Name: Steven Holmes N={s,t,e,v,n,h,o,l,m} M={m,a,t,h} N U M={s,t,e,v,n,h,o,l,m,a} Write the set M’ in roster notation and describe what it represents: M’={s,e,v,n,o,l} M’ represents all the elements in the universal set that are not included in set M. RESPONSE2POST1 REBECCA:Name: Rebecca Reid N= {r,e,b,c,a,i,d} M= {m,a,t,h} Region 1= {r,e,b,c,i,d} Region 2= {a} Region 3= {m,t,h} Overlapping sets as they share the letter A PLEASE READ THE ASSIGNMENT CAREFULLY AND RESPONSE TO EACH CLASS MATE.