challenging issue and offer careful reasoning, evidence, and argument. You must have a minimum of

In this assignment, you apply your knowledge of the persuasion process by constructing a five-minute speech with a clear persuasive goal, analyzing your audience to determine which persuasive arguments will be most effective, and then deliver the presentation in a manner that facilitates accomplishing your persuasive goal. Choose any issue that you wish to persuade your audience about. You should have a clear proposition of fact, value, policy, or concern about a problem. Choose a challenging issue and offer careful reasoning, evidence, and argument. You must have a minimum of four documented and orally cited sources of evidence and you must use a visual aid. Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it