Category Essay

Classical Or Germanic And Christian Heritage 535348

Western civilization is stated to be composed of three elements the classical heritage (Greeks), the Germanic heritage (Germans) and the Christian heritage (Romans early church). Describe the contribution of each of the three by using illustrations.

Claim Of Consequentialism 534929

Analyze the claim of consequentialism that actions are “right” to the extent they have beneficial consequences. Describe a situation in which a judge might apply the principle that the end justifies the means. Assume you are a district attorney. Take…

Classical School Of Criminological 535707

How did the creators of the Classical School of criminological thought view punishment, and what did they believe was the purpose for punishing criminal offenders? What did neoclassicists think about punishment of offenders, and what was the basis for their…

Civil Law And Civil Procedure 535407

You’re a student in masters in criminal justice program. Assume for the sake of this question that upon graduation you will be working i) as a supervisor ii) for a public sector agency/entity iii) related to public safety or social…

Claim On Income Tax Return 543534

Larry and Louise are both 49 years of age and file a joint return. They provide all of the support for their son, Dylan, who is 20 years old and is at home until he gets called into the army.…

Claiming The Standard Deduction 544419

Susan rents an apartment. In 2012, she worked full-time as a nurse and earned W-2 wages of $60,000. Each year she claims the standard deduction. In one of the rooms of her apartment, as a hobby, Susan sometimes makes cute…

Clarity And Viscosity Of A Nuclear Suspension 537856

1) Explain the changes in clarity and viscosity of a nuclear suspension which takes place on the addition of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS)? Why do they change take place? 2) Thymus cells encompass a relatively small amount of cytoplasm and…

Classified As Long Term 541488

John owes $2million that is due on Feb. 28. His company borrows $1,600,000 on Feb. 25 (5-year note) and uses the proceeds to pay down the $2 million note and uses other cash to pay the balance. How much of…