Category Essay

I Need Help With Math

jacob has 12 fish and all of them aare either yellow or red. there are twice as many yellow fish as red fish. how many yellow fish does jacob have? how many red fishb does jacob have? Solution Y=2R Y+R…

Math Arc Circle Sector

I’ve encountered this problem and I have difficulty trying to solve it, if someone may please assist me with finding a solution that would be greatly appreciated! Solution

I Need Help Please

An international company has 12,300 employees in one country. If this represents 24.8% of the company’s employees, how many employees does it have in total? Solution 12,300 = .218T Total employees = T = 12300/.218 = 56,422 21.8% is close…

Math Help Differential Equation

Find all solutions of the equation y’ + 2y = b(x) , (−∞ < x < +∞) where 1 − |x|, se |x| ≤ 1 b(x) = 0, se |x| > 1 Solution It is unclear what “se” means, but…

I Need Help On This Math Question

Lynn Matthews wants to swim 1km in a 50-m-long pool. How many pool lengths must she swim? show work please thank you!!!! Solution There are 1000m in 1km. 1000m / 50m = 20 She needs to swim 20 pool lengths.