Category Essay

Ancient Art And Modern Importance 530839

a) What importance did early art forms (painted murals or mosaic works, statues or figurines, stone carvings or etchings, metalwork and/or ceramic wares) hold? b) In what manners are these art forms still practiced? c) What other kinds of cultural…

Ancient Art Forms And Designs 530425

Details: In this assignment, you will be helping to design a chapter on ancient art forms and designs. In particular, you are to research ancient Egyptian culture. Pick at least two pieces of the Egyptian artwork and describe some of…

Ancient Israelite View On Life After Death 535207

Topic: The Ancient Israelite view on life after death. Please add up the references you use. As in most of the cases where ancient history and particularly ancient religious history is concerned, there is disagreement among scholars as to how…

Ancient Religious Traditions In Communist China 535142

Write down the state and practice of ancient religious traditions in the Communist China? Focus on how societal views of spirituality and religion have been affected and how social and political life has been influenced by the tradition. Then, compare…

Angels And Their Usefulness 533206

Are Angels essential? If God is all-powerful, then why angels? Is it okay to ask God to send an angel to help us, or should we ask God to help us directly? Is God offended when we ask him to…

Analyzing The Civil War 535746

I want some help getting started on my ‘Examining the Civil War Paper’. Explain the origins, legacy and significance of the Civil War. Comprise the given in the paper: a) The importance of slavery in the economic, social and political…

Analyzing The Financial Perspective 528510

The purpose of the Session Long Project is to give you the opportunity to explore the applicability of the Module to your own life, work, and place in space and time, and to experiment with the Module to see how…