Calculating Net Worth 549884

Calculating Net Worth

Net worth = Assets – Liabilities

Assets Liabilities

Value of house $190,000.00 Emloyment tax payable $870.00

Life Insurance $300,000.00 Car $16,500.00

Taxable interest earned $900.00 CC Balance $3,800.00

Capital gains $126.00

Checking $5,000.00

IRA $24,000.00

CD $18,000.00

Car $46,000.00

Savings $16,000.00

401(K) $18,000.00

Total Assets $618,026.00 Total Liabilities $21,170.00

Net Worth $596,856.00

Looking at the Fleming’s balance sheet:

a.Do the Flemings have an adequate emergency fund?

b.If no, how much should they have set aside?

c.Why are they adequately protected or why do they need more set aside