analysis should be present at this stage. The more you provide, the more feedback you

For this assignment, prepare a draft of your final research paper. Use this time to integrate all of your work so far use your thesis and abstract created in earlier units. Use your outline to write the body of the paper and make sure to utilize and cite the sources from your reference list. While your draft does not need to be a complete copy of your final paper, the majority of the content and analysis should be present at this stage. The more you provide, the more feedback you can receive from your instructor. Here are the requirements for the final paper itself: Up to 5 of these pages may include: You will also prepare a draft of your presentation. This presentation should summarize the important components of your research paper, and most students prepare the presentation after they complete the draft of the paper itself. Presentations are an important medium to convey your ideas to others and are commonly used in the business world to report on new ideas, projects, and research. While your draft presentation does not need to be a complete copy of your final work, the majority of the content and design should be present at this stage. The more you provide, the more feedback you can receive from your instructor. Here are the requirements for the final presentation itself: The presentation should be designed with the assumption that the project is being presented to third parties who have not been involved in the project’s development during the term. Submit your draft paper and presentation as your assignment. Purchase the answer to view it