parts with labeled headings ‘Part One’ and ‘Part Two’ in this assignment dropbox below or

:This exercise is divided into two sections or parts and you will have to questions: If you choose to cover this chapter, you must visit a non-traditional mainstream media source and identify whether it leans to the left or the right; or whether the site represents academic viewpoints that are non-partisan (neither left nor right leanings). Read your answers and use spell check before submitting them. You can only submit this assignment once. Paste both parts with labeled headings ‘Part One’ and ‘Part Two’ in this assignment dropbox below or attach as a Word document. : All assignments must be written using proper English grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Four (4) points will be deducted for each spelling, grammatical, and/or punctuation error. Work that contains more than five (5) spelling, grammatical, and/or punctuation errors; or work that does not meet the minimum number of sentences required will receive a grade of F (‘0’ points).Essays are automatically submitted to SafeAssign. Work that SafeAssign identifies as having after quoted material and small matches (10 words or less) are excluded (No points).