her choices and actions. Consider if he ultimately recognizes where he went wrong. Determine if

Drama  Character Report (Othello): Students must write a (minimum) 200-word  analysis of one character from the play. The assigned character is  determined by referring to the RCBC Student ID number and the associated  character from the list below. The analysis should consider that all  characters have at least one flaw (i.e. pride, naivete, selfishness,  deception, immorality, etc.). Focus your analysis on what your  character′s major flaw(s) would be. Evaluate how the flaws affect his or  her choices and actions. Consider if he ultimately recognizes where he  went wrong. Determine if the playwright has the character taking  ownership of the consequences of his actions. Your analysis should  conclude by proposing what you believe the playwright wants  readers/viewers to think about your character (that is, the lasting  impression we are supposed to have of the character when the play is  finished). Include how the theme(s) of the play are delivered through  your character. Make reference to specific quotes, passages, events, or  relationships involving your character that help you decipher the  playwright’s message.  Student ID 1125706 Students must complete the assignment that coordinates with their RCBC  ID number:  For students whose RCBC ID number ENDS in a 5 or 6: Evaluate the character CASSIO for the themes of pride, deception and  honor. Consider his connections with Desdemona, Brabantio, Othello, and  Iago.