how come he also says that he is not anti-copyright activis. How did he think

When it comes to your project, remember that the is an essay about . -It’s helpful to think through the complexities and contradictions here (and to consider which are productive and which are just confusing). These are MY EXAMPLE: OR Some examples that I think can be example; He is talking about originality and he thinks that nothing is original. And we understand from the text that he thinks it is ok to plagiarism. But how come he also says that he is not anti-copyright activis. How did he think about writing an essay on plagiarizing when he is in Academia? Isn’t this a fundamental thing? Isn’t someone plagiarized considered stealing someone elses ideas and making a profit out of it? -Shields seems particularly interested in -Shields that writers and other artists are in the incorporation of other people’s work. Instead, he believes that that incorporation is essential to art, that we find originality not in inventing new things but in combining old things in new ways. -With that final example of Muddy Waters and Alan Lomax in your mind, : . Ifyouread carefully, you will find a lot of ways that what Lethem is doing further contextualizes and complicates Shield’s essay. -Shields’s position is unexpected: it’s a celebration of (and a deliberately provocative one) of practices that many writers, teachers, and public thinkers criticize: borrowing others’ work without attribution. -One way to approach this, if not necessarily solve it, is to puzzle through Shield’s argument, and the appearance can help here too. Is he arguing that we should all be plagiarists? Well, sort of, but he seems to be more interested in how we perceive copyright and fair use, and for that matter how we understand originality. So perhaps this is an article more about originality than it is about theft…