unscheduled, such as sick leave, are taken from the accumulated leave the employee has earned.

While reviewing the information from the two merged companies, the HR Director has found out that each company has two different PTO policies. Company A has a PTO system in which employees are given 30 days of paid time off each year, which accumulates at the rate of 2.5 days a month. Under this policy, vacation and sick leave are all rolled into one paid leave and any absence whether scheduled, such as vacation, or unscheduled, such as sick leave, are taken from the accumulated leave the employee has earned. Company B has a more traditional leave system in which employees are given 12 days of vacation, 10 days of sick leave and 10 holidays. The company is closed on those holidays. Vacation is accumulated at a day per month. Sick leave has an unlimited accumulation, but unlike vacation would not be paid out upon termination of employment. Since the employees of the merged company will be working side by side, the HR Director has asked you to review the situation and make recommendations for a solution. As an HR Director prepare a report addressing the following issues: Include two to three scholarly references in your response. Write a five-to-seven-page memo to the company’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Identified information that is relevant and logical for recommending a PTO solution, and provided clear and rational ideas for where the information would likely be found. Discussed relevant issues that could likely be encountered upon merging the PTO system with the traditional leave system. Supported the explanation of difficult issues by sound reasoning and evidence from scholarly resources. Assessed various challenges that would logically emerge from having two separate PTO systems in one company; provided a thorough analysis of which system would be assigned for new employees. Recommendation for the system that would be most beneficial to the newly merged organization is clear, specific, and based on scholarly research and industry best practices. Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it