is due by 11:59pm on Dec 8, 2019. It should be double-spaced and between 3

Individual Project: Each student is required to review and critique a published journal article based on class materials and discussions. Published research articles should be selected from two flagship journals in public administration, namely, Public Administration Review (PAR) or Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory (JPART). Selected journal articles should be finalized and submitted for instructor’s approval by 11:59pm on Oct 20, 2019. Research critiques should address all of the following tasks: The project is due by 11:59pm on Dec 8, 2019. It should be double-spaced and between 3 and 4 pages in length, excluding title and reference pages. The critique should be in APA style and include 5-10 references. Students are strongly advised to start early, apply concepts and techniques discussed in class, and incorporate comments and suggestions obtained from their peers. * I have attached the article to critique and some tips on how to approach it. Feel free to message me if you have any question.