and discrete-time signals (periodicity and evenness), time-transformation of the signals, decomposition by even and odd

EGR 2323 – Applied Engineering Analysis I (requires a grade C or better) EE 2423 – Network Theory (requires a grade C or better) Textbook(s) and/or required material: Major prerequisites by topics: 1. Differential and integral calculus 2. Linear algebra and ordinary differential equations 3. Basic network principles Course objectives: 1. Develop understanding of basic concepts of signals and systems (continuous-time signals and systems). 2. Learn concepts of functional representation of signals, characterization of continuous-time and discrete-time signals (periodicity and evenness), time-transformation of the signals, decomposition by even and odd parts, exponential signals and concept of the time constant. 3. Learn properties of continuous-time signals and systems (stability and causality of systems). 4. Develop understanding of concepts of linear continuous-time systems, linear convolution, impulse response, Dirac delta function. Learn time-domain methods of analysis of linear systems. 5. Learn how apply the concept of transfer function of the LTI systems, to derive time-domain solutions of differential equations. Learn how to find poles and zeros of the transfer function for partial-fraction expansion. 6. Introduce mathematical approaches to spectral analysis of analog systems, including the Fourier series of periodic signals. 7. Learn concept of the Fourier transform, properties and applications. 8. Solve problems and write programs in MATLAB for transformation of signals into the given window, calculation of linear convolutions of audio-signals, graphical representation of the transfer function in the form of pole-zero diagram, computing the Fourier transform of the signals, computation of a voltage (output) of the RLC circuit when the current (input) is given. Topics covered: 1. Basic concepts of signals and systems. 2. Signals and their functional representations. 3. Continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems. 4. Dirac delta function. 5. Linear time-invariant systems. 6. Time-domain solutions of differential equations. 7. The Fourier series of periodic signals. 8. The Fourier transforms.