economies came under increasing attack. Reformers throughout the Atlantic World, not to mention slaves themselves,

Benjamin, Thomas. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Fassnacht, Max, Stephanie Fink, Robert Jackson, and Michelle Warn. “ .” Accessed February 15, 2016. Fassnacht, Max, Stephanie Fink, Robert Jackson, and Michelle Warn. “ .” Accessed August 15, 2016. Just as the great Atlantic empires collapsed as a result of the myriad revolutionary movements of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the slave system that had in many ways built and sustained their economies came under increasing attack. Reformers throughout the Atlantic World, not to mention slaves themselves, challenged the legitimacy of the slave trade and slavery on ethical, religious, and philosophical grounds. Yet despite the successes of the Haitian Revolution, or perhaps because of it, many forces operated against abolition, due in great part to the demands for slave labor made by those who stood to benefit from the highly profitable plantation system. Consult “ ” as you formulate your response.